Foundations and Trusts
Our clients include founders, settlors, beneficiaries, trustees and governing bodies of foundations or trusteeships. We advise them not only in connection with the establishment of charitable or private foundations and trusteeships, but also on the details of succession planning or beneficiary arrangements and their implications under inheritance law (Law of Succession, Estate Planning and Lasting Power of Attorney); the drafting, review and amendment of statutes and by-laws as well as trust deeds and other regulations; or the day-to-day administration of legal entities by preparing expert opinions on specific issues. In particular, we advise our clients in connection with problems relating to generation changes; requests for information; legal issues relating to distributions; investment of company assets; possible claims of responsibility; questions concerning foundation governance and much more.
A considerable part of our daily work also involves providing advice in connection with corporate foundations and charitable legal entities. We often deal with asset protection issues, in particular questions relating to the challenge of creditors or compulsory portions, enforcement issues or related questions of Private International Law.