Legal information
Pursuant to Art. 5 Para. 1 of the Liechtenstein E-Commerce Act [«E-Commerce-Gesetz (LGBl 2003/133»]) we herewith provide you with the following information:
Batliner Wanger Batliner
Rechtsanwälte AG
Pflugstrasse 20
PO Box 105
FL-9490 Vaduz
The lawyers working at BWBLEGAL are members of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Laywers and are subject to the disciplinary authority of the Princely Court of Appeal.
BWBLAW is a stock corporation recorded in the Liechtenstein Public Register with the registration number FL-2.287.712-2 and the value added tax number 55026.
© 2024 by BWBLEGAL
Concept & design
Technical realisation
The content of this website is provided for general information purposes only, and is no substitute for detailed legal advice. BWBLEGAL accepts no warranty for the topicality, accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information made available on this website. The same applies to the content of external websites to which reference is made directly or indirectly using so-called hyperlinks. BWBLEGAL reserves the right to amend or supplement the content of the website without prior notice. It should be noted that all information on this website is provided without warranty and that the liability of the authors or of the stock corporation for damages (both direct as well as indirect) is excluded. Furthermore, the content of the website cannot be seen as an invitation to engage in online legal consultancy.