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Hansjörg Lingg

lic. iur., LL.M., CAS Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht IRP-HSG Attorney-at-law, Partner


1996     ERASMUS programme, University of Nijmegen (Netherlands)
1997     Studies of law at the University of Berne (lic. iur.)
2004     Postgraduate studies of international business law at the University of Zurich (LL.M.)
2005     Bar examination
2022     CAS «Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht IRP-HSG» (Tort and Insurance Law) at the University of St Gallen


1997   Traineeship at the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), Brussels; traineeship at the EEA Coordination Unit of the Liechtenstein Government
1998 - 2001   Legal officer at the EEA Coordination Unit of the Liechtenstein Government
2001 - 2002   Scientific employee for LL.M. postgraduate studies of international business law at the University of Zurich
2001   Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of Solothurn
2002 - 2003   Traineeship at the Princely Court of Justice
2003 - 2008   Associate at BWBLEGAL
2003 - 2011   Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur
2007 - 2016   Member of the Real Estate Transactions Commission of the municipality of Schaan
2008 - 2015   Foundation Board member of Kulturstiftung Liechtenstein
since 2008   Member of the board and partner of BWBLEGAL
2011 - 2015   Foundation Board member of Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek
2016 - 2018   Member of Sportkommission Fürstentum Liechtenstein
2019 - 2024   Member of Sportrat Fürstentum Liechtenstein
since 2022   Substitute Member of Liechtenstein Bar Exam Commission
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